Download Latest Version of Odin

This is a must have tool for Samsung android smart phone users.
Flash Stock Roms, Custom Roms, Recovery & Root packages.

Download latest version of odin from links below


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TK Amparas


  1. thanks for the files . pls using the odin3, must u fill all the file as the is only one file for samsumg like samsung galaxy core prime g361

    1. If I understood your question well.
      To flash a Samsung device using odin, it depends on how the firmware package is. If it has just a single tar.md5 file, select it using PDA button in odin. But if it has many files like CSC, BOOT, MODEM, PIT, ie repair firmware, select them accordingly to their names using the odin buttons.
      hope you understand

  2. Download links are fake, i.e. its just ads wanting me to accept their notifications. No thank you

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